Wisdom creates technology

Modern technology makes life easier, and tools are milestones in technology.

Choose the right method: it is best to let the operating system help you

The first step is the most difficult. So take a deep breath, take some time-and then go! Since most important data may be processed on a Windows or Mac computer, we will process it first. We will explain how to back up data from a smartphone or tablet in step 3. First, you should determine a backup method. If you want to fully back up the data yourself, select "Manual Backup". If you want your operating system to help you, select "Use onboard resource backup".
Manual backup
You only manage some important files, but can't work on your computer often? Then simply copy the file to an external storage medium to back up the file. For this, it is best to connect an external hard drive or USB memory stick to the computer and create a folder with a descriptive name on it, such as Sicherheit_Stand_April2020 ※. Place the files to be backed up in this folder. After copying all the contents, please unpack the storage medium.
Advantages: This method is simple and easy to use, and does not require a large amount of prior knowledge.
Disadvantages: This method is only applicable if you manage several files and always know what data has been added since the last backup. If you are backing up a large number of files from different subdirectories, this will quickly become tedious and confusing. Then it's best to use the computer's onboard equipment, because its automation is less error-prone.
With backups and available materials
, do you want your entire database to be regularly secured—security strength, or even your operating system and settings? You don't have to buy a backup program for this. Windows 10 and MacOS have built-in well-functioning backup software. In Windows, it is called "Backup" and can be found in the settings under "Update and Security". For Apple computers with MacOS, the integrated backup program is called "Timemachine". It can be called and activated via "Settings". The software regularly backs up data to an external hard drive. You can find detailed instructions about Windows and MacOS for free in our test data backup, including free video tutorials.
Advantages: The backup function takes over the tedious work and automatically performs the backup. After backing up all data for the first time, for each new backup, only the added data is added, and you do not need to track it yourself. If necessary, you can also back up files of different versions. In this way, different processing states of the file can be retained. If the system fails completely, you can restore not only the documents, but also the operating system and all settings.
Disadvantages: The first backup may take a long time, depending on the amount of data for many hours. When the computer is backed up, it may become very slow. Subsequent backups are faster.
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