Wisdom creates technology

Modern technology makes life easier, and tools are milestones in technology.

Are technologies improving our lives?

Over the past two centuries, humanity has made enormous strides in terms of innovation and technological progress. From ancient medicine to microsurgery today, all this great development has greatly served man as a whole and has also considerably improved his standard of living.
The appearance of global computer networks such as the internet is one of the great steps that man has been able to take. This network enables the planet to discover and be informed about the rest of the planet. The Internet marks the arrival of a new medium, and is just getting started since every day we can discover new ways of bringing all types of information to our computer.
"With several billion pages that can be viewed by a user, the Internet far surpasses, all the informative databases i
n the world, as well as all the libraries. From books to music to tourist guides, everything is or can be found on the Internet.
In everyday life, ICTs make resources available to learners so that they can develop communication, creation, research and problem-solving skills in a society open to the world and rich in collaboration. Today, who does not have a telephone, does not own a television, does not write his work with a computer, does not own a cell phone and does not use search engines to enrich a work.
All these technologies make it possible to discover new cultures in the world and to communicate freely with anyone. The media entertain and inform us, no matter where we are in the world. There is no longer any question of waiting. You no longer have to have a newspaper in your hands to get information.
To improve his teachings, the teacher can use different tools such as the interactive whiteboard and blogsThese two tools will put the student at the heart of his learning. They will be able to exchange ideas from a blog on the various themes discussed during the day and bring other elements that they have discovered and that they want to share.
The teacher could even use the blog with parents to communicate, but also so that they can integrate into their child's development. In addition, using the interactive whiteboard, the teacher will be able to integrate the elements of a problem through a real situation.
With these two teaching tools, he could diversify his lessons, add elements and actively involve the students. These tools are efficient and fast. They can be changed at any time and are constantly changing.